While most of the people don't handle the web hosting themselves, still having some knowledge about the technology your website runs on helps you understand and make better choices. Linux Web hosting is one of the two choices you have while selecting a web hosting service, the other being Windows. While Windows OS is mostly preferred for its simplicity, in web hosting Linux takes the front edge for its user-friendly methods and inexpensive pricing.
Linux web hosting runs on Linux operating system, which is a Unix like operating system and open-source choice. One of the main reasons for its popularity is because it supports PHP scripting language which isn't supported by Windows hosting service. Also since it is free, pricing for web hosting reduces significantly. Also, reseller hosting is a big advantage on Linux since it is comparatively very secure and prevents attacks. Reseller Hosting is the service on which an individual reuses his hard disk space on his web hosting service to host on behalf of third party websites. They simply create a reseller account, buy some bandwidth from a hosting company and resell smaller bandwidths for profit.
We help to select the best Linux Web Hosting for your company business. While selecting a hosting service, you have to consider many parameters like the size of bandwidth, the hosting service provider, etc. We help you rid that hassle by doing all the hosting services for you.